Restaurant is a place where food and beverages are prepared and served to the public. The term covers a multiplicity of venues and a diversity of cuisine styles. The skill of using stratagems are needed to overcome the obstacles and to become successful in today’s competitive foodservice industry. So, what strategies the restaurant owners have been using to satisfy customers? And how customers react and response to it? Let’s go and find out!

Monday, May 30, 2005


There are many possible organization for restaurants, depending on local customs and the formality and the price of the meal. they range from unpretentious lunching or dining places catering to people who working nearby, with simple food served in simple settings at low prices, to expensive establishments serving refined food and wines in a formal setting. In the former case, clients are not expected to wear formal clothes. In other case, clients generally wear formal clothing. However, this varies between cultures. Some restaurants with stars are generally more formal and have more expensive establishments. The more stars awarded, the higher will be the prices. Restaurants with 1 - 3 stars are perceive to be of high culinary merit. 3 - 5 stars' restaurants are consider very high class restaurants where you might have to wear formal clothes. Restaurants also have specialization in certain types of food, such as seafood restaurants, vegetarian restaurants, or Chinese restaurants, Italian restaurants etc... There are many choices for clients depending on their appetites.
In today's economics, restaurants are the end of the supply chain in the food service industry. there is way too much competition, and it's hard to make a profit. In most industrialized coutnries, restaurants are heavily regulated to ensure the health and safety of the cutomers. Those typical restaurant owners have to face many obstacles to maitain their business.


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